sustainable surveying

Abcott Partners seek to differentiate ourselves from our competitiors in this key area of procurement

We have been committed to sustainable best practice for a long time. We have embraced the concept of sustainability as we understand that clients need to "future-proof" their investment in new build or refurbishment and as your cost-consultant we have the tools at our disposal to ensure this is delivered.

Our approach is unique in that we figure out at an early stage what combination of technology and best practice will deliver the most energy efficient and sustainable solution possible FOR YOUR BUDGET. Some of the best principals cost little to implement!

We tend to focus on the areas below in order of priority as we know this approach will yield the highest return on your investment. Our sustainability consultancy is built into our approach and fee for quantity surveying, it can also be delivered as a stand alone service.

current insights and opportunities for your business

Government to install 1.2m Water Meters commencing in early 2012

The roll out of domestic water metering has begun in earnest. Water charges are imposed by local authorities. Commercial water charges are levied on all businesses and must be paid to the local authority. Typically commercial premises are being charged at EUR2.30/m2 for water use.

The amount of potable water we waste can be significantly reduced through the introduction of relatively inexpensive measures such as installing aerators on taps, using low-flow shower heads, detecting and fixing leaks, using high efficiency electrical appliances and installing rainwater harvesting systems.

A rainwater harvesting system is a simple way to reduce your exposure to the rising cost of this commodity by collecting the rain that falls on your premises. In Ireland we get plenty to collect! At EUR 2.30/m2 a small business with 10 full time staff can anticipate water use of 500,000l and a bill of EUR 1150. The estimated cost of a rainwater harvesting system would be between EUR 6,000 and EUR 9,000. The payback period for such a system would be between 5 and 8 years. At a domestic level the cost is EUR 2000-4000 and with a similar payback period based on a family of 5.Talk to us to ensure that a sensible environmental & economic solution is delivered for your project.

Modular and prefabricated building elements provide many of the answers

We have put a lot of our energy into understanding the European market for pre-fabricated and modular construction elements. Factory engineered components can deliver a high degree of insulation and air-tightness that can be difficult to achieve in the traditional on-site process.

System building also brings benefits to the construction process through reducing waste; lighter structures require smaller foundations; quicker site assembly time reduces the overall programme and associated preliminary costs.

Entire buildings can be delivered turnkey by specialist manufacturers or elements of the building such as bathrooms or kitchens can be incorporate into a traditional build.

We recently tendered a Hotel in Port Au Prince, Haiti to specialist modular builders from around the world. Our unique insight into the off-site fabrication market allowed us to source the right contractors and lead the design team in preparing a suitable set of tender documents to provide a highly complex building in a country devastated by the 2010 earthquake.

Some of the off-site manufacturers we have worked with are listed above.

But sustainability costs more right?

We are often asked this question by our clients!

Sustainability is about using the earths resources more efficiently. Our view is that it can and should cost less to build and operate your building not more, yet people always say to us that sustainability will cost extra. We think thats the wrong assumption to make. Instead we approach sustainability by questioning everything. Is it needed? Can the same outcome be achieved more efficiently? Can we create more value using less resource? Are there hidden costs? Is there hidden value?

If appointed as part of your design team Abcott Partners commit to ensuring that your building will include the best mix of sustainable technologies to deliver within your budget an efficient sustainable design